Anyhow, on Ravelry there is a group of us Cindy-knitters, and I am participating in the "Summer of the Cotton Cloth." This is a traveling swap of you-guessed-it, cotton cloths. We are given the name of the person we will be knitting for, and a little info about them. We knit them a cloth, include a skein or two of cotton yarn for them and some goodies to round out the love.
The swap is a traveling one, meaning it travels around the United States and Canada in a path known only to the moderator. I have been waiting since the beginning of the summer and it has been stuck on the east coast until recently when it has made its way to Texas and British Colombia. And guess what I got in the mail yesterday?
You guessed it, the little box. We have been using the same little box, and boy is it tired.
Mine came from Cindy in Canada, and she did a fabulous job of spoiling me! Two cloths, a purple one made from hemp and and white cotton one in a diamond pattern, both very lovely.
I was spoiled with three skeins of yarn, some chocolate with yummy nuts, smarties (Grace got those) two sets of stitch markers, a handmade soap, and an cold pack commemorating the upcoming Olympics in Vancouver. A lovely package worth waiting for!
Now it is my turn to send it on its way. I have enclosed some kona coffee, and my Cindy collects thimbles so I found three interesting ones at a local antique store, along with some art deco buttons. The cloth I knit from Meg from Ancient Pathways' hand dyed yarn and I am enclosing another skein of her cotton/tencel. My package is going to another state (I won't give away the secret) and I'm putting my goodies into the little box and marking the map to show where it has been and tucking in that too. Bye little box!