My Artfibers wrap was at a frustrating spot. I had miscounted or gotten distracted at some point and ended up with too many stitches and therefore didn't quite know how to fix it because I couldn't find the mistake. I have a sneaky feeling that part of my problem was the circular needles and the yarnovers. They don't seem to get along very well. I thought maybe I would take out the incorrect row and switch to straight needles, but I was procrastinating because I don't really enjoy tinking my hard work, especially since I dreaded how many stitches would be on the needle after I took out the row. What if it was still the wrong number? What would I do then? Yikes!
Anyway, Tracy yelled at me to just do it. Okay, gently prodded, but then I craftily distracted her by helping Lisa and never actually got around to doing it. When I got home I decided it was now or never, and I tinked, and it worked! I had 85 stitches just as I was supposed to. I celebrated by doing 4 more rows. Hooray!